Real Stories

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After donating blood and plasma for nearly 15 years, Liam Millard (Ngāi Te Rangi) signed up as a bone marrow donor. It was an act of kindness that has saved a life.

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Interested in joining the Registry?

To join the NZ Bone Marrow Donor Registry you must meet the criteria to become a blood donor and donate blood.

Please follow the 3 steps below:

1. Check your eligibility to donate blood.

You need to be eligible to become a blood donor. Have a read over our quick list of the major blood donor criteria.

2. Book an appointment to donate blood.

Use the NZ Blood Service’s simple online system to find your nearest place to donate blood, and book an appointment.

3. Ask to join the Bone Marrow Donor Registry.

When you donate blood let the NZ Blood Service staff know that you would like to join the NZ Bone Marrow Donor Registry.

You'll be directed to for eligibility

No blood donation centre near you?
Call us on 0800 800 256